Monday, September 7, 2009

More Massage hours to work in New York from Florida

More Massage hours to work in New York from Florida?
I have like 600 or something hours, and have been licensed about 3 years in Florida. I want to move back to New York. What do I have to do to work there? Do I have to go to another school all over again, or can I do online courses to up my hours? Thanks
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I believe that the law in New York they require 1,000 hours. I think that there are ways to attend a school for the number of hours that you need and not take the entire course. There was a girl I went to college with that had worked in Texas for several years (they need less than 300 hours) and in order to work here (in Iowa) she had to attend school for only the number of class hours she was lacking, though I can't be positive it would work that way in New York. I also know that they don't use the NCETMB in NY while they do in FL, so it would also require you taking another written exam, though I don't know which one they go by. Wish I could be of more help. Good luck.