what percentage of people in new york work the night shift?
New York City - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Perhaps this will answer you question...looks like a great Read! http://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2009/03/25/a-year-on-the-nightshift/
2 :
A lot, I used to be one of them.
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
My dream is to live and work in new york and am a nigeria.must i have friends their to be able to live and wor
My dream is to live and work in new york and am a nigeria.must i have friends their to be able to live and wor?
And how can i make friends that will help me to be able to live and work in new york
Immigration - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, you need much more. Official visa information here: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/immigrants_1340.html
2 :
you need a visa something that friends will NOT be able to provide for you. suggest you find another dream as this one is not going to happen any time soon [if at all]
3 :
My dream is to live in Nigeria. Why don't you help me find job in your country?
4 :
Pick a visa There are basically NINE ways that you can get a visa to live and work in the US: (1) Marriage (or engagement in anticipation of marriage) to a US citizen. (2) You have skills that are in short supply in the US e.g. scientific or medical training. A degree is normally a must. Or you have superior specialist skills with at least 12 years experience. (H visas) (3) You have an Employer who is willing to transfer you - but even the employer has to make a good case for you - so you have to be a manager unless you fall under category (2) above.(L visas) (4) You may get a Green card in the diversity lottery (UK citizens, except N.Ireland, are not generally eligible unless you, your spouse or parents were born abroad or held a different citizenship. (5)You own or buy business (does not get you permanent resident status i.e. no green card)You must be a national of a qualifying Treaty countries. The business must have a minimum value of around $150k (more the better) bearing in mind you will need somewhere to live and with any startup business you will need at least 2 years living money as back up. So a figure of $350k would be a nearer minimum (E-2 visas) (6)You are an "investor" i.e. you have at least US $1m in assets to bring with you. half of that in a few areas. And your background will be investigated to the hilt. (EB-5 visas) (7)You have a close relative (mother, father, brother, sister and no further) who is an US citizen who would sponsor you, approx time this take 2-12 years? (8.The R1 visa is available to foreign members of religious denominations, having bona fide non-profit religious organizations in the U.S., for entering the U.S. to carry on the activities of a minister or religious worker as a profession, occupation or vocation (9)THE UNUSUAL You are in a position to claim refugee status/political asylum. or You get a member of Congress to sponsor a private bill with legislation that applies just to you. The S visa issued to persons who assist US law enforcement to investigate and prosecute crimes and terrorist activities such as money laundering and organized crime Recruitment agent will not take you seriously if you are not already in the US. Writing for jobs is really a waste of time; likewise US employers have no idea what foreign qualification are or mean (except Degrees) it may pay you to get your qualification translated into a US equivalent, there are Companies that do this (www.wes.org) .. But if you are getting a visa under (2) above then you need a job offer before you can get the visa. Your Employer will be your sponsor this will cost them upward of $5k. So you can see you have to be offering something really special to get considered They may also have to prove to the Dept of labor that there is no American who can do the job if the position is to be permanent © follow the flow chart http://immigrationroad.com/green-card/immigration-flowchart-roadmap-to-green-card.pdf
5 :
unfortunately the USA is completely racist against African nations and makes it nearly impossible to get a visa
6 :
No,you need immediate family member who are US citizens to petition for you. Friends can do nothing for you.
And how can i make friends that will help me to be able to live and work in new york
Immigration - 6 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No, you need much more. Official visa information here: http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/immigrants_1340.html
2 :
you need a visa something that friends will NOT be able to provide for you. suggest you find another dream as this one is not going to happen any time soon [if at all]
3 :
My dream is to live in Nigeria. Why don't you help me find job in your country?
4 :
Pick a visa There are basically NINE ways that you can get a visa to live and work in the US: (1) Marriage (or engagement in anticipation of marriage) to a US citizen. (2) You have skills that are in short supply in the US e.g. scientific or medical training. A degree is normally a must. Or you have superior specialist skills with at least 12 years experience. (H visas) (3) You have an Employer who is willing to transfer you - but even the employer has to make a good case for you - so you have to be a manager unless you fall under category (2) above.(L visas) (4) You may get a Green card in the diversity lottery (UK citizens, except N.Ireland, are not generally eligible unless you, your spouse or parents were born abroad or held a different citizenship. (5)You own or buy business (does not get you permanent resident status i.e. no green card)You must be a national of a qualifying Treaty countries. The business must have a minimum value of around $150k (more the better) bearing in mind you will need somewhere to live and with any startup business you will need at least 2 years living money as back up. So a figure of $350k would be a nearer minimum (E-2 visas) (6)You are an "investor" i.e. you have at least US $1m in assets to bring with you. half of that in a few areas. And your background will be investigated to the hilt. (EB-5 visas) (7)You have a close relative (mother, father, brother, sister and no further) who is an US citizen who would sponsor you, approx time this take 2-12 years? (8.The R1 visa is available to foreign members of religious denominations, having bona fide non-profit religious organizations in the U.S., for entering the U.S. to carry on the activities of a minister or religious worker as a profession, occupation or vocation (9)THE UNUSUAL You are in a position to claim refugee status/political asylum. or You get a member of Congress to sponsor a private bill with legislation that applies just to you. The S visa issued to persons who assist US law enforcement to investigate and prosecute crimes and terrorist activities such as money laundering and organized crime Recruitment agent will not take you seriously if you are not already in the US. Writing for jobs is really a waste of time; likewise US employers have no idea what foreign qualification are or mean (except Degrees) it may pay you to get your qualification translated into a US equivalent, there are Companies that do this (www.wes.org) .. But if you are getting a visa under (2) above then you need a job offer before you can get the visa. Your Employer will be your sponsor this will cost them upward of $5k. So you can see you have to be offering something really special to get considered They may also have to prove to the Dept of labor that there is no American who can do the job if the position is to be permanent © follow the flow chart http://immigrationroad.com/green-card/immigration-flowchart-roadmap-to-green-card.pdf
5 :
unfortunately the USA is completely racist against African nations and makes it nearly impossible to get a visa
6 :
No,you need immediate family member who are US citizens to petition for you. Friends can do nothing for you.
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
does ipod nano bought in New York work in India
does ipod nano bought in New York work in India?
okai if i add songs from ny and then give it to someone eles in india....are they able to add songs in india to...can they install the ipod on their computer?
Music & Music Players - 1 Answers
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1 :
It should as long as you have a proper charger. If charging via USB, then it definitely would.
okai if i add songs from ny and then give it to someone eles in india....are they able to add songs in india to...can they install the ipod on their computer?
Music & Music Players - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It should as long as you have a proper charger. If charging via USB, then it definitely would.
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
I live in New Jersey but work in New York, what state taxes are they taking out of my paycheck
I live in New Jersey but work in New York, what state taxes are they taking out of my paycheck?
United States - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Normally you get taxed based on where you live, since those are the school districts, etc. that you're supporting.
2 :
i believe they take them out of the state where you work
3 :
the state in which the money is earned (new york) is the state in which you will pay the applicable income tax.
4 :
You pay where you live. However if you are working in NYC (or many big cities such as Philly) you have to pay a wage tax as well. bummer
5 :
Usually you get taxes taken out based on the home address that you put on the check.
6 :
Many states have reciprocal taxing agreements and I believe that NY and NJ do as well. Look at your pay stub, it should tell you on there. Under the deductions, it will say something like State and will have a notation if it is for NJ.
7 :
Taxes are usually taken out by the state in which you work. This would be New York. Your pay check stub will say which state is taking them out. There may be a state code, if not an abbreviation, and you can look this code up by going on line. Go on line to State of NY dept of Revenue and also State of NJ dept of Revenue. There is also live tax help there... hope this helps you out.
8 :
They are most likely taking out state taxes for NY. You will pay taxes both where you live and where you work. You will get a credit on your taxes in NJ for the taxes paid to NY, however it will probably not completely offset each other so they may be taking taxes out for both. There is no reciprocal agreement between NJ and NY. There is one between NJ and PA.
United States - 8 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Normally you get taxed based on where you live, since those are the school districts, etc. that you're supporting.
2 :
i believe they take them out of the state where you work
3 :
the state in which the money is earned (new york) is the state in which you will pay the applicable income tax.
4 :
You pay where you live. However if you are working in NYC (or many big cities such as Philly) you have to pay a wage tax as well. bummer
5 :
Usually you get taxes taken out based on the home address that you put on the check.
6 :
Many states have reciprocal taxing agreements and I believe that NY and NJ do as well. Look at your pay stub, it should tell you on there. Under the deductions, it will say something like State and will have a notation if it is for NJ.
7 :
Taxes are usually taken out by the state in which you work. This would be New York. Your pay check stub will say which state is taking them out. There may be a state code, if not an abbreviation, and you can look this code up by going on line. Go on line to State of NY dept of Revenue and also State of NJ dept of Revenue. There is also live tax help there... hope this helps you out.
8 :
They are most likely taking out state taxes for NY. You will pay taxes both where you live and where you work. You will get a credit on your taxes in NJ for the taxes paid to NY, however it will probably not completely offset each other so they may be taking taxes out for both. There is no reciprocal agreement between NJ and NY. There is one between NJ and PA.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
How can I work at New York
How can I work at New York?
I'm from Indonesia and right now I'm collecting money to go to NY and reach my dream: be an actress in Hollywood. My answer is, how can I get the right to work in NY? How much does it cost to live there?
New York City - 5 Answers
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1 :
artist? what artist? sex artist?
2 :
A lot!!! housing and/or apartment rent are quite high...there's many parts of New York and of course, if you want to live in the city, the rent are extremely higher and very hard to find vacancy. try this website or just type "New york cost of living" on your search engine. http://swz.salary.com/costoflivingwizard/layoutscripts/coll_result.asp?presentsalary=35000&presenthomemetrocode=119&presentworkmetrocode=119&newhomemetrocode=291&newworkmetrocode=291¤tlocation=119&newlocation=291&x=27&y=10 goodluck! p.s. you did know that Hollywood is in Los Angeles right??? i think if you want to be an actress, LA would be a better place. its closer to alot more studios and tv networks and home of a lot more tv and movie sets.
3 :
find a menial job like waiting tables, driving a cab, something like that until you get settled, then go from there.
4 :
LMFAO!!! actress...........
5 :
If you want to be an actress in Hollywood, I don't see why you'd want to move to New York. They're on entirely opposite sides of the country.It's almost impossible to be any farther from Hollywood than New York, and still live be near the mainland of the United States. Also, can you act? And the cost of living in New York is incredibly high, so as faras how much it costs to live there, the answer is a lot.
I'm from Indonesia and right now I'm collecting money to go to NY and reach my dream: be an actress in Hollywood. My answer is, how can I get the right to work in NY? How much does it cost to live there?
New York City - 5 Answers
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1 :
artist? what artist? sex artist?
2 :
A lot!!! housing and/or apartment rent are quite high...there's many parts of New York and of course, if you want to live in the city, the rent are extremely higher and very hard to find vacancy. try this website or just type "New york cost of living" on your search engine. http://swz.salary.com/costoflivingwizard/layoutscripts/coll_result.asp?presentsalary=35000&presenthomemetrocode=119&presentworkmetrocode=119&newhomemetrocode=291&newworkmetrocode=291¤tlocation=119&newlocation=291&x=27&y=10 goodluck! p.s. you did know that Hollywood is in Los Angeles right??? i think if you want to be an actress, LA would be a better place. its closer to alot more studios and tv networks and home of a lot more tv and movie sets.
3 :
find a menial job like waiting tables, driving a cab, something like that until you get settled, then go from there.
4 :
LMFAO!!! actress...........
5 :
If you want to be an actress in Hollywood, I don't see why you'd want to move to New York. They're on entirely opposite sides of the country.It's almost impossible to be any farther from Hollywood than New York, and still live be near the mainland of the United States. Also, can you act? And the cost of living in New York is incredibly high, so as faras how much it costs to live there, the answer is a lot.
Sunday, November 14, 2010
What are some good restaurants to work in New York City
What are some good restaurants to work in New York City?
I am moving there soon and while looking for a job in my degree I want to get a waitressing job. Any good ideas or place people previously worked at and liked? THANKS ALOT!! :)
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
A friend of mine worked at Tamarind and he really liked it.
I am moving there soon and while looking for a job in my degree I want to get a waitressing job. Any good ideas or place people previously worked at and liked? THANKS ALOT!! :)
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
A friend of mine worked at Tamarind and he really liked it.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
i want to volunteer in any charity work in new york any good and safe suggestions
i want to volunteer in any charity work in new york any good and safe suggestions?
i will go visit my dad in the summer i will stay there for about 4 or 6 weeks and i wanted to do some charity work he lives in new York i'm not an american citizen is there any good and safe suggestions?? please help i will be there probably from 15/6 or 17/6 so please help as soon as possible
Community Service - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
NY is a big place. look for something near to where you will be. You don't mention your age, and that might be a problem. http://www.volunteernet.org http://www.servenet.org
i will go visit my dad in the summer i will stay there for about 4 or 6 weeks and i wanted to do some charity work he lives in new York i'm not an american citizen is there any good and safe suggestions?? please help i will be there probably from 15/6 or 17/6 so please help as soon as possible
Community Service - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
NY is a big place. look for something near to where you will be. You don't mention your age, and that might be a problem. http://www.volunteernet.org http://www.servenet.org
Monday, November 1, 2010
What is it like to work For New York Life Insurance
What is it like to work For New York Life Insurance? ?
Well I have an interview for New york life in Vienna Va, and I was wondering what are the advantages and disadvatages and whats the salary like? Also Im 18 does that make a difference? What are the chances I will get hired.
Insurance - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you're interviewing for an agent position, it's highly unlikely you'll get the job. Any of the big name companies normally require either a college degree in a business or financial specialty, or significant outside sales experience. Other than a possible small training stipend, there's no salary at all - pure commission. By the end of your third year, one of two things will probably happen: You'll have already quit because you couldn't make even a meager living, or you'll be clearing six figures. If you're smart, you'll then go independent where you can make real money.
2 :
Life insurance is actually very flexible. Since I'm from Oklahoma I'm not sure about New York laws and regulations, so I recommend you contact a nearby insurance agent. http://www.goodinternetdeals.com/Life-Insurance.html They will be able to help you.
3 :
You're pretty much guaranteed to get hired - the main qualification is, that you're breathing. But at 18, you're not particularly likely to succeed. See, this is a straight commission sales job . . . and being so young, you'll have an inherent credibility issue ALSO to overcome, when trying to sell insurance. Bottom line - if you can't sell, you won't make it. Washout rate is about 95%. If they aren't offering salary - and dollars to donuts, they aren't, it's straight commission - pass on this. You're MUCH more likely to succeed, in 10 years, than you are today.
Well I have an interview for New york life in Vienna Va, and I was wondering what are the advantages and disadvatages and whats the salary like? Also Im 18 does that make a difference? What are the chances I will get hired.
Insurance - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you're interviewing for an agent position, it's highly unlikely you'll get the job. Any of the big name companies normally require either a college degree in a business or financial specialty, or significant outside sales experience. Other than a possible small training stipend, there's no salary at all - pure commission. By the end of your third year, one of two things will probably happen: You'll have already quit because you couldn't make even a meager living, or you'll be clearing six figures. If you're smart, you'll then go independent where you can make real money.
2 :
Life insurance is actually very flexible. Since I'm from Oklahoma I'm not sure about New York laws and regulations, so I recommend you contact a nearby insurance agent. http://www.goodinternetdeals.com/Life-Insurance.html They will be able to help you.
3 :
You're pretty much guaranteed to get hired - the main qualification is, that you're breathing. But at 18, you're not particularly likely to succeed. See, this is a straight commission sales job . . . and being so young, you'll have an inherent credibility issue ALSO to overcome, when trying to sell insurance. Bottom line - if you can't sell, you won't make it. Washout rate is about 95%. If they aren't offering salary - and dollars to donuts, they aren't, it's straight commission - pass on this. You're MUCH more likely to succeed, in 10 years, than you are today.
Thursday, October 21, 2010
How much do Forensics Scientist make and is there plenty of work in New York City for that field
How much do Forensics Scientist make and is there plenty of work in New York City for that field?
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
$30,000-$60,000 depending on experience www.payscale.com
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
$30,000-$60,000 depending on experience www.payscale.com
Thursday, October 7, 2010
where can a 17 year old work in new york without workers permit
where can a 17 year old work in new york without workers permit?
iam lookin for a job in new york but i cant get working papers so basically iam for an off the books job or anything with a weekly income
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
Why can't u get papers?
iam lookin for a job in new york but i cant get working papers so basically iam for an off the books job or anything with a weekly income
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
Why can't u get papers?
Friday, October 1, 2010
Which city or town is more cheaper to live and work In New york state
Which city or town is more cheaper to live and work In New york state.?
I'm coming from pakistan. I want to know which city is inexpensive to live and which city would be best for work. Should have more opportunities for job. I need help to solve this question. Because I'm coming as an immigrant. I need really help from all of you guys.
Other - United States - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you don't already have a job, don't bother coming. The US has no extra jobs right now. If you still come, try New York City. It's a little pricier, but there are lots of jobs for the right person.
I'm coming from pakistan. I want to know which city is inexpensive to live and which city would be best for work. Should have more opportunities for job. I need help to solve this question. Because I'm coming as an immigrant. I need really help from all of you guys.
Other - United States - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you don't already have a job, don't bother coming. The US has no extra jobs right now. If you still come, try New York City. It's a little pricier, but there are lots of jobs for the right person.
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
What are regular people who live or work in New York CITY wearing - not movie stars or musicians.
What are regular people who live or work in New York CITY wearing - not movie stars or musicians.?
Is there a website or live virtual tour I view NYC? Or even a blog where I can speak with others who live there.
New York City - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i live in NYC but i don't work if anything u should get a celebrity who used to live in NYC when he or she was not famous i am sorry i couldn't help u further but i lived here for 17 years and while its a nice place and good to live in i don't recommend raising kids here
2 :
I live in NJ but i've been to NY city, no biggy jeans and t-shirts, dresses... just normal clothes
3 :
Look up "Times Square Webcams" and you will see people walking about. http://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/ Chat is on the New York Forum http://www.newyorkforum.us
4 :
i live in new york and you might think that movie stars and musicians dress differently from regular people, but not really. i always see people dressed to the nines, but theres also like hobos. so basically what im trying to say is theres sooo many different kinda people and styles. new york city is the fashion capital of the world. but its also a city, meaning people with all different styles but on this website, this photographer takes photos of outfits of new york city citizens http://mrnewton.net/category/new-york-day/
5 :
Two days ago I watched it here: http://iKr.me/a2A
Is there a website or live virtual tour I view NYC? Or even a blog where I can speak with others who live there.
New York City - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i live in NYC but i don't work if anything u should get a celebrity who used to live in NYC when he or she was not famous i am sorry i couldn't help u further but i lived here for 17 years and while its a nice place and good to live in i don't recommend raising kids here
2 :
I live in NJ but i've been to NY city, no biggy jeans and t-shirts, dresses... just normal clothes
3 :
Look up "Times Square Webcams" and you will see people walking about. http://www.earthcam.com/usa/newyork/timessquare/ Chat is on the New York Forum http://www.newyorkforum.us
4 :
i live in new york and you might think that movie stars and musicians dress differently from regular people, but not really. i always see people dressed to the nines, but theres also like hobos. so basically what im trying to say is theres sooo many different kinda people and styles. new york city is the fashion capital of the world. but its also a city, meaning people with all different styles but on this website, this photographer takes photos of outfits of new york city citizens http://mrnewton.net/category/new-york-day/
5 :
Two days ago I watched it here: http://iKr.me/a2A
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Would you rather LIVE and work in New York City, Boston, MA, or Chicago, IL
Would you rather LIVE and work in New York City, Boston, MA, or Chicago, IL ?
I can't choose between these cities. I'm a corporate lawyer. I'm young. Bling Bling, democrat.And I'd like to run for U.S. Congress.My political views are between Clinton, Obama and Kerry.
Other - United States - 1 Answers
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1 :
Chicago just made the Forbes #3 spot for worst cities in the US to live. Boston and New York City didn't make the list.
I can't choose between these cities. I'm a corporate lawyer. I'm young. Bling Bling, democrat.And I'd like to run for U.S. Congress.My political views are between Clinton, Obama and Kerry.
Other - United States - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Chicago just made the Forbes #3 spot for worst cities in the US to live. Boston and New York City didn't make the list.
Where can a 15 year old boy work in New York
Where can a 15 year old boy work in New York?
Please don't say stupid stuff like "mow lawns" "baby sit" etc. Those aren't jobs.
New York City - 3 Answers
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1 :
if you're interested, you can do surveys online for extra money, I know a good site thats free to join and for age 13 and up check my blog for info and Proof of Payments http://job4teens.blogspot.com/
2 :
At 15, you can go to supermarkets and ask them if they need a bagger. You can work part time bagging at the registers for a decent wage. Go to your local supermarkets. Also, try to find a job in the library.
3 :
Check it out here. It’s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://work-at-home.50webs.org/
Please don't say stupid stuff like "mow lawns" "baby sit" etc. Those aren't jobs.
New York City - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
if you're interested, you can do surveys online for extra money, I know a good site thats free to join and for age 13 and up check my blog for info and Proof of Payments http://job4teens.blogspot.com/
2 :
At 15, you can go to supermarkets and ask them if they need a bagger. You can work part time bagging at the registers for a decent wage. Go to your local supermarkets. Also, try to find a job in the library.
3 :
Check it out here. It’s an excellent site with some wonderful options for you. It will definitely help you. Have a look. http://work-at-home.50webs.org/
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Can a teen from Florida work in New York
Can a teen from Florida work in New York?
Shes 17. Can she legally work in NY?
Other - Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
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1 :
Yes you can. But jobs are hard to come by in NY, My son's friend lived in FL. working for Fridays, he arranged with his boss to come to NY and work in the Fridays as wait staff.
Shes 17. Can she legally work in NY?
Other - Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Yes you can. But jobs are hard to come by in NY, My son's friend lived in FL. working for Fridays, he arranged with his boss to come to NY and work in the Fridays as wait staff.
If I live in New York State but work in New York city, do I need to pay city tax
If I live in New York State but work in New York city, do I need to pay city tax?
United States - 5 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Yes. Check with your Payroll Department. It should actually be coming out of your check.
3 :
Why would you have too? NYC is a part of NY STATE THE EMPIRE STATE. So why would you pay taxes. I know folks who work in jersey and pay taxes in both states but not someone who stays in NEW Rochelle works in the city and pays taxes.NO, I dont think so.
4 :
Sales tax when you buy something, yes. But the line on your paycheck that would say "NY city resident tax", then no, because you're not a city resident (5 boroughs).
5 :
There used to be an NYC tax on people who did not live in the city but who worked there. The tax has been repealed now--only NYC residents pay NYC income tax.
United States - 5 Answers
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1 :
2 :
Yes. Check with your Payroll Department. It should actually be coming out of your check.
3 :
Why would you have too? NYC is a part of NY STATE THE EMPIRE STATE. So why would you pay taxes. I know folks who work in jersey and pay taxes in both states but not someone who stays in NEW Rochelle works in the city and pays taxes.NO, I dont think so.
4 :
Sales tax when you buy something, yes. But the line on your paycheck that would say "NY city resident tax", then no, because you're not a city resident (5 boroughs).
5 :
There used to be an NYC tax on people who did not live in the city but who worked there. The tax has been repealed now--only NYC residents pay NYC income tax.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
I am getting hb-1 visa to work in NEW YORK CITY, but finding hard to get mason to make house for me and wives
I am getting hb-1 visa to work in NEW YORK CITY, but finding hard to get mason to make house for me and wives?
How many goats do I pay regular mason to build me and my wifes a house in BEAUTIFUL NEW YORK CITY? And also, what is good area by place to disco dance?
New York City - 5 Answers
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1 :
2 :
You are kidding correct? Masons don't take goats. You must sell wives and keep all goats. American not place of many wives. They want more than you can buy. Move to little island build grass shack. Declar war on US, burn down shack, US will build new mansion. Goats happy, wives happy you still hero.
3 :
You won't have to give up any of your goats if you let him do your wives regularly while he gets the house done... Have him build you your own disco themed room... you can bring young females there to assess their qualities at being potential future wives... The more the merrier, right?
4 :
I can tell you what to do. Ask a real question. Or do you have all the answers. Let us see the real you. And taking no emails I see! To many so close to the truth.
5 :
so I will expect to see you toothless and trying to play the banjo at the times square subway station in the near future begging for cash is that it?
How many goats do I pay regular mason to build me and my wifes a house in BEAUTIFUL NEW YORK CITY? And also, what is good area by place to disco dance?
New York City - 5 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
2 :
You are kidding correct? Masons don't take goats. You must sell wives and keep all goats. American not place of many wives. They want more than you can buy. Move to little island build grass shack. Declar war on US, burn down shack, US will build new mansion. Goats happy, wives happy you still hero.
3 :
You won't have to give up any of your goats if you let him do your wives regularly while he gets the house done... Have him build you your own disco themed room... you can bring young females there to assess their qualities at being potential future wives... The more the merrier, right?
4 :
I can tell you what to do. Ask a real question. Or do you have all the answers. Let us see the real you. And taking no emails I see! To many so close to the truth.
5 :
so I will expect to see you toothless and trying to play the banjo at the times square subway station in the near future begging for cash is that it?
Saturday, August 14, 2010
If you are out of work in New York State due to an injury does your employer still carry your
If you are out of work in New York State due to an injury does your employer still carry your?
health insurance. My employer chose to keep me on payroll for six weeks, and deducted my contribution to the policy from my pay. I now get a check from the workers comp insurance company and there is no withholding. I am puzzled ?
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
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1 :
If you are no longer receiving a paycheck from your company than there is nothing to deduct from. It depends if you are still employed by the company then they will either bill you for your portion of the premium or sometimes they will let you pay double payments when you return to work. If you are no longer employed by them then you should receive paperwork for COBRA so you can continue to pay your insurance on your own.
2 :
what he didbwas out of generosity, you need to contact them so you can continue to make your contribution, the employer is under no obligation to continue your health insurance while you are out if you do not pay. your workers comp pay has nothing to do with your employer or health benefits
health insurance. My employer chose to keep me on payroll for six weeks, and deducted my contribution to the policy from my pay. I now get a check from the workers comp insurance company and there is no withholding. I am puzzled ?
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
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1 :
If you are no longer receiving a paycheck from your company than there is nothing to deduct from. It depends if you are still employed by the company then they will either bill you for your portion of the premium or sometimes they will let you pay double payments when you return to work. If you are no longer employed by them then you should receive paperwork for COBRA so you can continue to pay your insurance on your own.
2 :
what he didbwas out of generosity, you need to contact them so you can continue to make your contribution, the employer is under no obligation to continue your health insurance while you are out if you do not pay. your workers comp pay has nothing to do with your employer or health benefits
Saturday, August 7, 2010
how can i work in new york to live and pay my rent as i m under 18 years old
how can i work in new york to live and pay my rent as i m under 18 years old?
i m American citizen and i live in new york alone but my parents live in Egypt and i m under 18 years old and no one accept to work as i m under 18,,,,, so what can i do to work as have no income to live?
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
Life is tough. In order to live in NYC you're going to need an income of over $60k a year. Even if you could work, where are you going to find a job that will pay you that kind of wage. You have no skills and no experience.
i m American citizen and i live in new york alone but my parents live in Egypt and i m under 18 years old and no one accept to work as i m under 18,,,,, so what can i do to work as have no income to live?
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
Life is tough. In order to live in NYC you're going to need an income of over $60k a year. Even if you could work, where are you going to find a job that will pay you that kind of wage. You have no skills and no experience.
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Question about how ages work in New York State
Question about how ages work in New York State?
I am curious because my boyfriend will be 17 in April. I am 16 but I will be 17 in September. If we were to have sex after he turned 17, would this make it "illegal"? Like could he be charged for rape?
Other - Family & Relationships - 3 Answers
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1 :
No. You're safe. =) If however you were 15 and he was 17 you'd be in a pickle. Because if when he turned 18 you were still 16 then its statutory rape.
2 :
No its perfectly normal, you can try it out and stuff. But if you don't want to be abstain it's cool, but you better tell your boyfriend to suit up lol. You just need to know if he has STD OR AIDS. Lol And no it's not illegal. And it's not rape if he's over the age of 21yrs. If he's an adult and your not, then it's rape.
3 :
Listen and listen real good teen sex is not what you should be comcerned with. There are so many thing you can do to enjoy life with out sex.
I am curious because my boyfriend will be 17 in April. I am 16 but I will be 17 in September. If we were to have sex after he turned 17, would this make it "illegal"? Like could he be charged for rape?
Other - Family & Relationships - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
No. You're safe. =) If however you were 15 and he was 17 you'd be in a pickle. Because if when he turned 18 you were still 16 then its statutory rape.
2 :
No its perfectly normal, you can try it out and stuff. But if you don't want to be abstain it's cool, but you better tell your boyfriend to suit up lol. You just need to know if he has STD OR AIDS. Lol And no it's not illegal. And it's not rape if he's over the age of 21yrs. If he's an adult and your not, then it's rape.
3 :
Listen and listen real good teen sex is not what you should be comcerned with. There are so many thing you can do to enjoy life with out sex.
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Is it easy for Australians to live and work in New York City
Is it easy for Australians to live and work in New York City?
I have a BA, and am thinking of doing a Grad dip ed. No tertiary business qualifications but I am hoping to do an MBA within a few years.
New York City - 3 Answers
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1 :
not easy but not so hard as well
2 :
You need a sponsor (employer) for a work visa - you can't apply for one on your own. http://travel.state.gov/visa/visa_1750.html Australians do have an advantage and can get an E-3 Work Visa (the "immigration support" website is a commercial site): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-3_visa http://www.usimmigrationsupport.org/visa_e3.html http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2005/s1366493.htm Check with US companies in Australia and Australian companies with offices in the USA. For example, Hilton and Marriott hire international staff as interns. Australians and New Zealanders also qualify for: http://newzealand.usembassy.gov/swt_faq.html Australian citizens can visit the USA for up to 90 days as a tourist, so you could travel for interviews & tests if necessary: https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/ http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/without/without_1990.html http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/travel/id_visa/business_pleasure/vwp/i94_samples.xml Search "international exchange programs USA" and there should be many links to programs that offer temporary and seasonal work in the US. Examples are: www.ccusa.com http://www.bunac.org/australia/ Do carefully check any programs you might be interested in as not all of them are a good deal. Another option is to go to school in the USA. Australian citizens can more easily get a US student visa and you MAY be able to work on-campus. Having a USA university diploma or certificate will make applying for jobs easier, and going to school in the US will help you decide if you really want to work here: www.collegesintheusa.com If you decide to go to university in the USA the first step is to identify several schools you might want to attend and make contact with their offices of international students For example: http://global.tulane.edu/oiss/ www.oiss.uno.edu Good luck!
3 :
In order to move to the USA, you will first need a visa, and the link, below, is to the US State Department's "Visa Types For Immigrants" webpage, which is where you will have to start. Good luck!... :-D http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1326.html
I have a BA, and am thinking of doing a Grad dip ed. No tertiary business qualifications but I am hoping to do an MBA within a few years.
New York City - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
not easy but not so hard as well
2 :
You need a sponsor (employer) for a work visa - you can't apply for one on your own. http://travel.state.gov/visa/visa_1750.html Australians do have an advantage and can get an E-3 Work Visa (the "immigration support" website is a commercial site): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/E-3_visa http://www.usimmigrationsupport.org/visa_e3.html http://www.abc.net.au/pm/content/2005/s1366493.htm Check with US companies in Australia and Australian companies with offices in the USA. For example, Hilton and Marriott hire international staff as interns. Australians and New Zealanders also qualify for: http://newzealand.usembassy.gov/swt_faq.html Australian citizens can visit the USA for up to 90 days as a tourist, so you could travel for interviews & tests if necessary: https://esta.cbp.dhs.gov/ http://travel.state.gov/visa/temp/without/without_1990.html http://www.cbp.gov/xp/cgov/travel/id_visa/business_pleasure/vwp/i94_samples.xml Search "international exchange programs USA" and there should be many links to programs that offer temporary and seasonal work in the US. Examples are: www.ccusa.com http://www.bunac.org/australia/ Do carefully check any programs you might be interested in as not all of them are a good deal. Another option is to go to school in the USA. Australian citizens can more easily get a US student visa and you MAY be able to work on-campus. Having a USA university diploma or certificate will make applying for jobs easier, and going to school in the US will help you decide if you really want to work here: www.collegesintheusa.com If you decide to go to university in the USA the first step is to identify several schools you might want to attend and make contact with their offices of international students For example: http://global.tulane.edu/oiss/ www.oiss.uno.edu Good luck!
3 :
In order to move to the USA, you will first need a visa, and the link, below, is to the US State Department's "Visa Types For Immigrants" webpage, which is where you will have to start. Good luck!... :-D http://travel.state.gov/visa/immigrants/types/types_1326.html
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
What are the business laws regarding how many days in a row you can work in new york state or city
What are the business laws regarding how many days in a row you can work in new york state or city?
I have been offerred unlimited overtime for a few weeks and I want to take the fullest advantage of it/
Small Business - 1 Answers
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1 :
i think it is 13 days straight depending when your companies payroll week ends
I have been offerred unlimited overtime for a few weeks and I want to take the fullest advantage of it/
Small Business - 1 Answers
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1 :
i think it is 13 days straight depending when your companies payroll week ends
Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Would it be possible to work in New York
Would it be possible to work in New York?
If i got a degree in primary school education from a unviersity in australia, could i move to new york for a year and be an elementary school teacher? thankyou for any insights.
New York City - 3 Answers
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1 :
If you have strong credentials yes but just to be on the safe side get an American education in the states it boosts your merit.My friend from Brasil worked in NJ as a day care teacher but she didn't need that much except for her degree
2 :
I think this is doable. Beside, I remember a few years ago the New York City Department of Education was hiring qualified teacher from other countries to work in the City's Public School system. I'm not sure if the DOE still does it, but I recommend checking out the link below. http://schools.nyc.gov/TeachNYC/default.htm I hope this information is very helpful. Good luck
3 :
Yes I don't see why not but as long as you have all the necessary paperwork including a work visa etc then yes, you certainly could but I would also ask the uni you are getting your degree at as they would be more up to date with what is out there in the world for you. Good luck and all the very best of wishes.
If i got a degree in primary school education from a unviersity in australia, could i move to new york for a year and be an elementary school teacher? thankyou for any insights.
New York City - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you have strong credentials yes but just to be on the safe side get an American education in the states it boosts your merit.My friend from Brasil worked in NJ as a day care teacher but she didn't need that much except for her degree
2 :
I think this is doable. Beside, I remember a few years ago the New York City Department of Education was hiring qualified teacher from other countries to work in the City's Public School system. I'm not sure if the DOE still does it, but I recommend checking out the link below. http://schools.nyc.gov/TeachNYC/default.htm I hope this information is very helpful. Good luck
3 :
Yes I don't see why not but as long as you have all the necessary paperwork including a work visa etc then yes, you certainly could but I would also ask the uni you are getting your degree at as they would be more up to date with what is out there in the world for you. Good luck and all the very best of wishes.
Thursday, July 1, 2010
do flashed phones work in new york
do flashed phones work in new york?
I have a palm treo. and i just flashed it for metro. i hear i can use it and i hear i cant. i jus wanna know so i don't take a phone that wont work to new york. btw im leaving in less than 2 weeks.
Cell Phones & Plans - 1 Answers
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1 :
well you think you are cute but no. it won't work
I have a palm treo. and i just flashed it for metro. i hear i can use it and i hear i cant. i jus wanna know so i don't take a phone that wont work to new york. btw im leaving in less than 2 weeks.
Cell Phones & Plans - 1 Answers
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1 :
well you think you are cute but no. it won't work
Monday, June 21, 2010
How well does a GPS work in New York City (Manhattan)
How well does a GPS work in New York City (Manhattan)?
I've heard that since the buildings are so high, GPS's won't always work in NYC. Would it be safe to depend on one to navigate through the city? (Mainly Manhattan)
New York City - 6 Answers
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2 :
It would probably work good enough in Manhattan, but just in case, don't rely entirely on it. I'd suggest planning out your route in advance and get a printout of it, and just program your GPS as a backup, or to estimate how much farther you have left to go.
3 :
You should never depend on one. You should have an idea where you're going first, and then use the GPS only as a backup. And yes the tall buildings, especially in Midtown, can block your unit from the satellite at times.
4 :
I have limited experience with GPS in Manhattan, but here are my observations. The signal is pretty reliable. Maybe on some tight streets surrounded by tall buildings you will have problems. What is more important to me is the fact that the program I have is not fully aware of all traffic rules. It told me to make a couple of turns that were not permitted. Be careful!
5 :
It works really good i don't know who told you that, but they lied. The only problem is if you're not familiar with the area when the thing tells you to turn you could easily miss it because one street is literally one block. But its not very easy to get lost in Manhattan (mostly in the midtown area). Well now reading the other answers i guess it depends on the GPS you have, i have a tomtom and its never backed out on me it always works when i go in the city,(i live in staten island) and i update its routes when i connect it to the computer with the software that it came with.
6 :
In a vehicle or handheld walking? I would not trust it in a vehicle. It's an accident or misadventure waiting to happen. http://www.gamescheat.ca/2010/01/garmin-nuvi-760-gps-got-me-lost-in-new-york-state-part-1/ (GPS got me lost) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNm_iqVk-qs (The lost GPS)
I've heard that since the buildings are so high, GPS's won't always work in NYC. Would it be safe to depend on one to navigate through the city? (Mainly Manhattan)
New York City - 6 Answers
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2 :
It would probably work good enough in Manhattan, but just in case, don't rely entirely on it. I'd suggest planning out your route in advance and get a printout of it, and just program your GPS as a backup, or to estimate how much farther you have left to go.
3 :
You should never depend on one. You should have an idea where you're going first, and then use the GPS only as a backup. And yes the tall buildings, especially in Midtown, can block your unit from the satellite at times.
4 :
I have limited experience with GPS in Manhattan, but here are my observations. The signal is pretty reliable. Maybe on some tight streets surrounded by tall buildings you will have problems. What is more important to me is the fact that the program I have is not fully aware of all traffic rules. It told me to make a couple of turns that were not permitted. Be careful!
5 :
It works really good i don't know who told you that, but they lied. The only problem is if you're not familiar with the area when the thing tells you to turn you could easily miss it because one street is literally one block. But its not very easy to get lost in Manhattan (mostly in the midtown area). Well now reading the other answers i guess it depends on the GPS you have, i have a tomtom and its never backed out on me it always works when i go in the city,(i live in staten island) and i update its routes when i connect it to the computer with the software that it came with.
6 :
In a vehicle or handheld walking? I would not trust it in a vehicle. It's an accident or misadventure waiting to happen. http://www.gamescheat.ca/2010/01/garmin-nuvi-760-gps-got-me-lost-in-new-york-state-part-1/ (GPS got me lost) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JNm_iqVk-qs (The lost GPS)
Monday, June 14, 2010
If I work in New York, can I remain a Texas resident
If I work in New York, can I remain a Texas resident?
If I work in New York, can I remain a Texas resident? I just got a job in New York. Up to now I have been working and living in Texas. Do I lose my status as Texas resident? For example, in the future I want to go back to school in Texas, and pay Texas instate resident tuition... Thanks.
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
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Just keep your permanent address in Texas and renew your drivers license and plates there as well.
2 :
You stop being a Texas resident as soon as you move out of the state. If you maintain a home there, you may be considered a resident for some purposes, but it depends on the exact purpose whether you would be considered a Texas resident. For University of Texas' in-state tuition, you must live in Texas for 12 consecutive months and maintain a domicile in Texas. Temporary absence even for an employment assignment will not remove your residency, but it has to actually be temporary.
If I work in New York, can I remain a Texas resident? I just got a job in New York. Up to now I have been working and living in Texas. Do I lose my status as Texas resident? For example, in the future I want to go back to school in Texas, and pay Texas instate resident tuition... Thanks.
Law & Ethics - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Just keep your permanent address in Texas and renew your drivers license and plates there as well.
2 :
You stop being a Texas resident as soon as you move out of the state. If you maintain a home there, you may be considered a resident for some purposes, but it depends on the exact purpose whether you would be considered a Texas resident. For University of Texas' in-state tuition, you must live in Texas for 12 consecutive months and maintain a domicile in Texas. Temporary absence even for an employment assignment will not remove your residency, but it has to actually be temporary.
Monday, June 7, 2010
How easy is it to find "under the table" work in New York City
How easy is it to find "under the table" work in New York City?
Im a 21yo Australian wanting to go to NYC for a stay of a few months (maybe longer depending on money) and i want to find under the table (we call it Cash In Hand) work there. thinking in places like hotels/bars/restaurants... Ive done work in London where i was a cleaner in a youth hostel and lived in the hostel for free aswell, that would suit me! so yeah, my question is; is this work available, and how do i get it? Thanks!
New York City - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You won't find any cash-in-hand work in hotels, restaurants or bars in NYC. Secondly, you really should not be asking this question here. People working illegally is very much frowned upon in the United States and you will not be very welcome - just take a look at the immigration section for proof of this. Personally, if you cannot keep to the agreements and conditions of your visa then for me you can stay home, people like you give the rest of us non-immigrants who go about things the legit way a real bad name and if you do chose to do this then I hope you get reported, detained and deported - and I hope the immigration officer gives you a nice little smile when they stamp your passport with a nice ineligible stamp upon your departure. Edit: To whoever gave me a thumbs down, I take it that you support people who work illegally in this country and also the employers who employ them? Obviously you have no idea about the detrimental effects that illegal workers cause in this country. It as negative effects on the economy, increases the unemployment rates in United States and not to mention the effect that this as on the U.S. citizens, permanent residents and their families. It is not only the people who suffer but the society as a whole. But hey, as long as they are not taking your job, that's okay as you don't care right?
2 :
I'm not going to get political here; just providing an answer...... It isn't easy but you CAN find work "off the books" (as we call it)...in some smaller restaurants. Talk to a manager, and "tread lightly" on the "off the books" thing. You may be able to get something.
3 :
I don't want to get political here either except to say that working OTB is not exclusively limited to illegal aliens alone.There are more than a few native New Yorkers who have such a job somewhere on their resumes. Corpoarate won't touch you so don't even bother to ask them What you are looking for are small "Mom &Pop "type businesses that deal with a lot of cash. What you don't want do is work for a company where you stand a reasonable chance of being injured bc your medical bills will basically be your own and "Mom & Pop "will deny that they ever knew that you were illegal. Be careful
Im a 21yo Australian wanting to go to NYC for a stay of a few months (maybe longer depending on money) and i want to find under the table (we call it Cash In Hand) work there. thinking in places like hotels/bars/restaurants... Ive done work in London where i was a cleaner in a youth hostel and lived in the hostel for free aswell, that would suit me! so yeah, my question is; is this work available, and how do i get it? Thanks!
New York City - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You won't find any cash-in-hand work in hotels, restaurants or bars in NYC. Secondly, you really should not be asking this question here. People working illegally is very much frowned upon in the United States and you will not be very welcome - just take a look at the immigration section for proof of this. Personally, if you cannot keep to the agreements and conditions of your visa then for me you can stay home, people like you give the rest of us non-immigrants who go about things the legit way a real bad name and if you do chose to do this then I hope you get reported, detained and deported - and I hope the immigration officer gives you a nice little smile when they stamp your passport with a nice ineligible stamp upon your departure. Edit: To whoever gave me a thumbs down, I take it that you support people who work illegally in this country and also the employers who employ them? Obviously you have no idea about the detrimental effects that illegal workers cause in this country. It as negative effects on the economy, increases the unemployment rates in United States and not to mention the effect that this as on the U.S. citizens, permanent residents and their families. It is not only the people who suffer but the society as a whole. But hey, as long as they are not taking your job, that's okay as you don't care right?
2 :
I'm not going to get political here; just providing an answer...... It isn't easy but you CAN find work "off the books" (as we call it)...in some smaller restaurants. Talk to a manager, and "tread lightly" on the "off the books" thing. You may be able to get something.
3 :
I don't want to get political here either except to say that working OTB is not exclusively limited to illegal aliens alone.There are more than a few native New Yorkers who have such a job somewhere on their resumes. Corpoarate won't touch you so don't even bother to ask them What you are looking for are small "Mom &Pop "type businesses that deal with a lot of cash. What you don't want do is work for a company where you stand a reasonable chance of being injured bc your medical bills will basically be your own and "Mom & Pop "will deny that they ever knew that you were illegal. Be careful
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
What is the test that Police Officers must pass to work in New York
What is the test that Police Officers must pass to work in New York?
Where can I find a study guide? I am currently in Texas. What's the FD test?
Law Enforcement & Police - 3 Answers
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1 :
Civil Service Exams!!! You can find them @ Barnes and Noble
2 :
It is called the written test and physical. Your local police department should have a sample test. Call them and ask for a recruiter they will be able to help you out.
3 :
1-(212)-Recruit - they will refer you to everything you need, sometimes they offer past tests as study guides. Written Exam, Physical, Background Check, Psychological - Six Months at the academy, six months in field training, total of two years probation. Do yourself a favor, take the FD (Fire Department FDNY - you will never see a fireman become a cop, only NYPD guys become firemen, there is a reason for this - just some good information from a retired NYPD cop) test.
Where can I find a study guide? I am currently in Texas. What's the FD test?
Law Enforcement & Police - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Civil Service Exams!!! You can find them @ Barnes and Noble
2 :
It is called the written test and physical. Your local police department should have a sample test. Call them and ask for a recruiter they will be able to help you out.
3 :
1-(212)-Recruit - they will refer you to everything you need, sometimes they offer past tests as study guides. Written Exam, Physical, Background Check, Psychological - Six Months at the academy, six months in field training, total of two years probation. Do yourself a favor, take the FD (Fire Department FDNY - you will never see a fireman become a cop, only NYPD guys become firemen, there is a reason for this - just some good information from a retired NYPD cop) test.
Friday, May 21, 2010
What is it like to work at New York Life in Norfolk, VA as a Financial Services Representative
What is it like to work at New York Life in Norfolk, VA as a Financial Services Representative?
I got an interview tuesday. How is pay and training structured?
Financial Services - 1 Answers
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1 :
The work will be hard and tedious.Your compensation is based upon a simple principal: the more business you do, the more you earn.The salary is $37,000, in which 50% will be as commissions. Your responsibilities include:- Devise and execute business development strategies to attract and acquire new clients,Analyze clients' financial needs and goals,Provide guidance to clients regarding the advantages and disadvantages of different insurance and investment products, and Implement, and continually review, financial strategies designed to help clients pursue their long-term goals
I got an interview tuesday. How is pay and training structured?
Financial Services - 1 Answers
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1 :
The work will be hard and tedious.Your compensation is based upon a simple principal: the more business you do, the more you earn.The salary is $37,000, in which 50% will be as commissions. Your responsibilities include:- Devise and execute business development strategies to attract and acquire new clients,Analyze clients' financial needs and goals,Provide guidance to clients regarding the advantages and disadvantages of different insurance and investment products, and Implement, and continually review, financial strategies designed to help clients pursue their long-term goals
Friday, May 14, 2010
How old do you have to be to work in New York state
How old do you have to be to work in New York state?
I'm 13 years old and want to know if I could get a summer job at my local Country Club consession stand. I do some babysitting, but it's not a frequent sort of thing. Am I old enough to have a job like that?
New York City - 3 Answers
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1 :
16 but you can get a work permit from school.
2 :
You must be 16 and obtain a working permit until you're 18 in which you will br free to work without the permit. You can get a permit from ur guidance conselor at school and have it signed by a doctor.
3 :
16 before that you need a work permit.
I'm 13 years old and want to know if I could get a summer job at my local Country Club consession stand. I do some babysitting, but it's not a frequent sort of thing. Am I old enough to have a job like that?
New York City - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
16 but you can get a work permit from school.
2 :
You must be 16 and obtain a working permit until you're 18 in which you will br free to work without the permit. You can get a permit from ur guidance conselor at school and have it signed by a doctor.
3 :
16 before that you need a work permit.
Friday, May 7, 2010
When filing for unemployment what state would you file if you live in New York and work in New Jersey
When filing for unemployment what state would you file if you live in New York and work in New Jersey?
asking...because NJ is higher than NY,...
United States - 3 Answers
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1 :
If you call the state you live in, they can direct you. The employer has to pay for unemployment, so it might be the state you work in. You'll have to make the phone call. And be aware, do it soon... it takes up to 2 months to receive your first check (in florida, anyway).
2 :
You go into your local unemployment office (which in your case is in NY,) and they do an out of state (e.g., NJ) application for you.
3 :
go to your local unemployment office to file and they will get it from the other state for your benefits go you can file on line to if your state allows if not must go to the local office
asking...because NJ is higher than NY,...
United States - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
If you call the state you live in, they can direct you. The employer has to pay for unemployment, so it might be the state you work in. You'll have to make the phone call. And be aware, do it soon... it takes up to 2 months to receive your first check (in florida, anyway).
2 :
You go into your local unemployment office (which in your case is in NY,) and they do an out of state (e.g., NJ) application for you.
3 :
go to your local unemployment office to file and they will get it from the other state for your benefits go you can file on line to if your state allows if not must go to the local office
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Will an ohio boating liscene work in New York
Will an ohio boating liscene work in New York?
People have said that in Chautauqua new york you need a boating liscence to ride a jet-ski, I live in ohio, so will an ohio boating liscne work?! Thanks!
Boats & Boating - 1 Answers
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1 :
NO, Contact the coastguard base in the city you will be visiting and ask a lot of questions, be freindly and honest and they will answer all your questions. Call information and they will give you the number. I also live in Ohio and just left FL gulf coast and the boating laws for fresh water are a little different than commercial waters. So do some research with the coast guard and be a safe boater, for my sake and yours, a good day can turn tragic in a split second, so learn the rules and laws of the local waters. Good luck and have fun. GET WET OR GET OUT!!!!!!!!
People have said that in Chautauqua new york you need a boating liscence to ride a jet-ski, I live in ohio, so will an ohio boating liscne work?! Thanks!
Boats & Boating - 1 Answers
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1 :
NO, Contact the coastguard base in the city you will be visiting and ask a lot of questions, be freindly and honest and they will answer all your questions. Call information and they will give you the number. I also live in Ohio and just left FL gulf coast and the boating laws for fresh water are a little different than commercial waters. So do some research with the coast guard and be a safe boater, for my sake and yours, a good day can turn tragic in a split second, so learn the rules and laws of the local waters. Good luck and have fun. GET WET OR GET OUT!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Where did Addison and Derek work in new york
Where did Addison and Derek work in new york?
on Grey's Anatomy where did Derek and Addison work when they lived in New York?
Drama - 1 Answers
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1 :
Story line, plots, characters and episode lists here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey%27s_Anatomy Should be somewhere in between all that information. :D
on Grey's Anatomy where did Derek and Addison work when they lived in New York?
Drama - 1 Answers
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1 :
Story line, plots, characters and episode lists here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grey%27s_Anatomy Should be somewhere in between all that information. :D
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Where can a 14 year old work in New York
Where can a 14 year old work in New York?
I'm 14 years old and I live on longisland, NY. I would like to find a job however, i don't know what places hire at 14. Where can a 14 year old work on Long Island?
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
Chick-fil-a, bruster, smoothie king, ...here is the full list: http://jobs-for-14-year-olds.net/location/new-york/
I'm 14 years old and I live on longisland, NY. I would like to find a job however, i don't know what places hire at 14. Where can a 14 year old work on Long Island?
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
Chick-fil-a, bruster, smoothie king, ...here is the full list: http://jobs-for-14-year-olds.net/location/new-york/
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
How do ballot measures work in New York State
How do ballot measures work in New York State?
What forms are required and how many signatures are needed to put a measure on the ballot?
Civic Participation - 1 Answers
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1 :
Depends on the precinct. Which it is in.
What forms are required and how many signatures are needed to put a measure on the ballot?
Civic Participation - 1 Answers
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1 :
Depends on the precinct. Which it is in.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
How do I get a job & Visa to work in new york for 10-15 months? Dont really care what the job is. I'm in UK.
How do I get a job & Visa to work in new york for 10-15 months? Dont really care what the job is. I'm in UK.
My girlfriend is going out there to work for 10-15 months next year and i want to go with her. I need to find a job doing anything and a visa etc...I'm a bit lost! I'm a UK citizen, dont have a degree but have over 5 years experience in B2B and B2C sales & account management.
Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
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1 :
To get a visa to work, you need to have an employer who will sponsor you and get you a temporary work visa such as H1B (if not already filled up). To get a visa, 1. Try sending your resume to US companies and explain to them that you will be there on this month and available for interview. It will be a long shot as majority of employers want US based workers and US citizens to work for them. You have to stress what it is that you can do that the employer may not be able to find among US applicants 2. Go with your girlfriend to the US as a tourist and while here apply for jobs. Employers are more likely to entertain you because you are already in the country (as against if you are still in UK and they still have to consider how to bring you in the US just for the interview). As long as your girlfriend is willing to support you, this approach will not be a problem
My girlfriend is going out there to work for 10-15 months next year and i want to go with her. I need to find a job doing anything and a visa etc...I'm a bit lost! I'm a UK citizen, dont have a degree but have over 5 years experience in B2B and B2C sales & account management.
Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
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1 :
To get a visa to work, you need to have an employer who will sponsor you and get you a temporary work visa such as H1B (if not already filled up). To get a visa, 1. Try sending your resume to US companies and explain to them that you will be there on this month and available for interview. It will be a long shot as majority of employers want US based workers and US citizens to work for them. You have to stress what it is that you can do that the employer may not be able to find among US applicants 2. Go with your girlfriend to the US as a tourist and while here apply for jobs. Employers are more likely to entertain you because you are already in the country (as against if you are still in UK and they still have to consider how to bring you in the US just for the interview). As long as your girlfriend is willing to support you, this approach will not be a problem
Sunday, March 21, 2010
I live in New York but work in New Jersey do I have to pay New Jersey State tax
I live in New York but work in New Jersey do I have to pay New Jersey State tax?
United States - 3 Answers
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1 :
Yes, you will have to file a NJ return and pay taxes to NJ. However, you will get a credit for any taxes paid to NY. SInce NY taxes are higher than NJ, you will probably not owe anything (except if you have other NJ income such as dividends, interest, etc.)
2 :
Just make sure to take quarters for the bridge...ugh. Geez, that alone will cost you enough every week...
3 :
Yes, but another poster has it backwards. You'll receive a credit on your NY return for the NJ taxes paid, up to what the NY taxes would have been. File a non-resident NJ return listing only the NJ income and pay any tax due. Then file your regular resident NY return listing all income from all sources. You'll take a credit for the NJ taxes paid on your NY return. Effectively you'll pay the higher of the two states taxes for the NJ income.
United States - 3 Answers
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1 :
Yes, you will have to file a NJ return and pay taxes to NJ. However, you will get a credit for any taxes paid to NY. SInce NY taxes are higher than NJ, you will probably not owe anything (except if you have other NJ income such as dividends, interest, etc.)
2 :
Just make sure to take quarters for the bridge...ugh. Geez, that alone will cost you enough every week...
3 :
Yes, but another poster has it backwards. You'll receive a credit on your NY return for the NJ taxes paid, up to what the NY taxes would have been. File a non-resident NJ return listing only the NJ income and pay any tax due. Then file your regular resident NY return listing all income from all sources. You'll take a credit for the NJ taxes paid on your NY return. Effectively you'll pay the higher of the two states taxes for the NJ income.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Where should I buy a house in New Jersey? I work in New York
Where should I buy a house in New Jersey? I work in New York.?
I want to live within a commuting distance from New York. The place should be family friendly and within $300,000. I want to avoid the crowded places of Central and Southern New Jersey like South/East Brunswick, Edison etc.
Renting & Real Estate - 2 Answers
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1 :
Check out towns in Passaic County. I lived in Montclair, which is out of your price range, but there are many in the Montclair area that are moving to Little Falls and other Passaic/Essex County border towns cause the taxes are cheaper in Passaic. Cute towns, real close to major highways, within reach of trains and maybe a 40 minute train ride to NYC... tops.
I want to live within a commuting distance from New York. The place should be family friendly and within $300,000. I want to avoid the crowded places of Central and Southern New Jersey like South/East Brunswick, Edison etc.
Renting & Real Estate - 2 Answers
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1 :
Check out towns in Passaic County. I lived in Montclair, which is out of your price range, but there are many in the Montclair area that are moving to Little Falls and other Passaic/Essex County border towns cause the taxes are cheaper in Passaic. Cute towns, real close to major highways, within reach of trains and maybe a 40 minute train ride to NYC... tops.
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Can new york pba cards work in new jersey
Can new york pba cards work in new jersey?
my dad has a pba card from new york because the business he worked for donated alot of money to the police department but my dad didnt sign his signature at the back of his pba card. and he wants to give it to me.. can the newyork pba card work in newjersey.
New York City - 3 Answers
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1 :
It's possible but if you are a jerk it won't. A PBA card is just a courtesy not a get out of jail free card.
2 :
I doubt it. Besides, the officer will just take it away if you caused a moving violation. For parking, you may slide unless you were in a handicap spot. Why don't you ask in "Home > Politics & Government > Law Enforcement & Police" since this is travel. http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/;_ylt=AtRF0nVDKN_MeTWAAKeKZOrQ7BR.;_ylv=3?link=list&sid=396546501
3 :
It depends on a few things: 1) what you might be stopped for, 2) whether or not the Officer stopping you is inclined to extend inter-agency courtesy, and 3) your demeanor at the time of the stop. However, PBA cards are not "community property", if the card was given to your father, he can't give it to you, it doesn't work like that. The odds are, that you probably will get a ticket and might even have the card confiscated or just completely ignored.
my dad has a pba card from new york because the business he worked for donated alot of money to the police department but my dad didnt sign his signature at the back of his pba card. and he wants to give it to me.. can the newyork pba card work in newjersey.
New York City - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
It's possible but if you are a jerk it won't. A PBA card is just a courtesy not a get out of jail free card.
2 :
I doubt it. Besides, the officer will just take it away if you caused a moving violation. For parking, you may slide unless you were in a handicap spot. Why don't you ask in "Home > Politics & Government > Law Enforcement & Police" since this is travel. http://answers.yahoo.com/dir/;_ylt=AtRF0nVDKN_MeTWAAKeKZOrQ7BR.;_ylv=3?link=list&sid=396546501
3 :
It depends on a few things: 1) what you might be stopped for, 2) whether or not the Officer stopping you is inclined to extend inter-agency courtesy, and 3) your demeanor at the time of the stop. However, PBA cards are not "community property", if the card was given to your father, he can't give it to you, it doesn't work like that. The odds are, that you probably will get a ticket and might even have the card confiscated or just completely ignored.
Monday, March 1, 2010
How does an eviction work in New York State
How does an eviction work in New York State?
Im layed off right now, for 5 months, and my fiance only brings home around 250 per week. Haven't made made rent in 4 months and we were just served a summons for court for eviction. I have a 4 year old and a 4 month old and no real family or friends around to help. Im scared and don't know what to do.
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
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1 :
Better find another place to live fast. The eviction will go through. 4 months is a long time not to pay rent. The fact that you have children doesn't mean anything.
Im layed off right now, for 5 months, and my fiance only brings home around 250 per week. Haven't made made rent in 4 months and we were just served a summons for court for eviction. I have a 4 year old and a 4 month old and no real family or friends around to help. Im scared and don't know what to do.
Law & Ethics - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Better find another place to live fast. The eviction will go through. 4 months is a long time not to pay rent. The fact that you have children doesn't mean anything.
Sunday, February 21, 2010
can a sidekick lx from new york work in chicago
can a sidekick lx from new york work in chicago?
I am going on vacation to chicago and I want to know if my side kick lx is gonna work there
Chicago - 3 Answers
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1 :
i think it can if it is unlocked
2 :
It will. I have one and I bought it in Boston,MA and I'm in richmond,VA right now.
3 :
I'm headed for Las Vegas soon and asked the same question. Customer service said the connection comes from the nearest tower, and that service is nation-wide. It should work fine.
I am going on vacation to chicago and I want to know if my side kick lx is gonna work there
Chicago - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
i think it can if it is unlocked
2 :
It will. I have one and I bought it in Boston,MA and I'm in richmond,VA right now.
3 :
I'm headed for Las Vegas soon and asked the same question. Customer service said the connection comes from the nearest tower, and that service is nation-wide. It should work fine.
Sunday, February 14, 2010
I work for New York State, what could the impending government freeze mean for me
I work for New York State, what could the impending government freeze mean for me?
I am a computer programmer working in the welfare division, so my job is pretty safe as far as long term security. However, there have been talks about government freezes (ie: only the most essential government facilities stay open until the budget is resolved). What does that mean? Am I unemployed? What does the union do? Very confused as to what it would all mean to me! Thanks in advance. This is not in regards to the federal wage freeze. This is regarding the NYS Budget problem.
Government - 3 Answers
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1 :
the government freeze refers to federal employees, not sure it would include the State of New York's employees like yourself.
2 :
I'm assuming you're talking about a state freeze, not a Federal one. My guess is that if they do actually "shut down" all but the most essential facilities, you will not be paid during that time. As a computer programmer, you might have some work, if you were called in to repair a critical system. However, welfare is likely not considered essential. You won't be unemployed. Rather, you'll be on a furlough, which means that you will still be employed, but will not be allowed to work or be paid to work. It's a tough position, since you can't collect unemployment (which may be unavailable, anyway). You'd have to quit and get another job. Furloughs typically don't last more than a few weeks, which is why most people suck it up and deal. However, if they go on longer, you may be forced to look for work elsewhere. As far as unions, they are typically against this sort of thing. However, there is little they can do if the government digs in its heels and says that they are doing a shutdown. For now, stay put.
3 :
Your union, and all modern labor unions, are corrupt and inefficient at helping a business entity to maintain profitability. Your future wages will be dependent upon the "welfare" of the contributing citizens of New York, after taking into account their overwhelming collective tax burden, resolving the budget crisis will only be an increasingly difficult issue, ending inevitably in bailout from the Fed.
I am a computer programmer working in the welfare division, so my job is pretty safe as far as long term security. However, there have been talks about government freezes (ie: only the most essential government facilities stay open until the budget is resolved). What does that mean? Am I unemployed? What does the union do? Very confused as to what it would all mean to me! Thanks in advance. This is not in regards to the federal wage freeze. This is regarding the NYS Budget problem.
Government - 3 Answers
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1 :
the government freeze refers to federal employees, not sure it would include the State of New York's employees like yourself.
2 :
I'm assuming you're talking about a state freeze, not a Federal one. My guess is that if they do actually "shut down" all but the most essential facilities, you will not be paid during that time. As a computer programmer, you might have some work, if you were called in to repair a critical system. However, welfare is likely not considered essential. You won't be unemployed. Rather, you'll be on a furlough, which means that you will still be employed, but will not be allowed to work or be paid to work. It's a tough position, since you can't collect unemployment (which may be unavailable, anyway). You'd have to quit and get another job. Furloughs typically don't last more than a few weeks, which is why most people suck it up and deal. However, if they go on longer, you may be forced to look for work elsewhere. As far as unions, they are typically against this sort of thing. However, there is little they can do if the government digs in its heels and says that they are doing a shutdown. For now, stay put.
3 :
Your union, and all modern labor unions, are corrupt and inefficient at helping a business entity to maintain profitability. Your future wages will be dependent upon the "welfare" of the contributing citizens of New York, after taking into account their overwhelming collective tax burden, resolving the budget crisis will only be an increasingly difficult issue, ending inevitably in bailout from the Fed.
Sunday, February 7, 2010
I have noticed a lot of people who live and work in New York State but have out of state license plates. Why
I have noticed a lot of people who live and work in New York State but have out of state license plates. Why?
I hear they do this to lower their insurance rates. Many of my acquaintances have florida license plates, but they live and work here. They just have a summer home down there. Is this legal? If not, how can one report these license plates? I also have a friend who has an Arizona license plate. He lives and works here, but has family in Az, and uses that as an excuse, but I dont see it fair that he can evade all our road taxes.
Insurance & Registration - 4 Answers
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1 :
Florida has some funny laws about registration and plates, and if they own real estate there they may have to register the cars there, even if it's only a summer/winter home. Maybe a Florida resident can expand on this.
2 :
Two words: Insurance Fraud. Call your state Insurance Commissioner's office. In most states, vehicles must be registered and insured in the state and city where they are GARAGED. Garaged meaning the location where they are parked at night.
3 :
If you live near a military installation then this would explain the assortment of out of state plates. There are different rules regulating service members vehicles while at their duty station.
4 :
Insurance fraud. Ask your insurance agent how to report insurance fraud.
I hear they do this to lower their insurance rates. Many of my acquaintances have florida license plates, but they live and work here. They just have a summer home down there. Is this legal? If not, how can one report these license plates? I also have a friend who has an Arizona license plate. He lives and works here, but has family in Az, and uses that as an excuse, but I dont see it fair that he can evade all our road taxes.
Insurance & Registration - 4 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Florida has some funny laws about registration and plates, and if they own real estate there they may have to register the cars there, even if it's only a summer/winter home. Maybe a Florida resident can expand on this.
2 :
Two words: Insurance Fraud. Call your state Insurance Commissioner's office. In most states, vehicles must be registered and insured in the state and city where they are GARAGED. Garaged meaning the location where they are parked at night.
3 :
If you live near a military installation then this would explain the assortment of out of state plates. There are different rules regulating service members vehicles while at their duty station.
4 :
Insurance fraud. Ask your insurance agent how to report insurance fraud.
Monday, February 1, 2010
A good site for finding film production work in New York City
A good site for finding film production work in New York City?
I'm an aspiring director/editor and, in addition to filming my own work to shop, have to find supplemental income. But I'm sick of craigslist and it's unprofessional community. Are there any other good sites for finding production work in NYC? I do use mandy.com, but am hoping for others.
New York City - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Try looking on NY411.com for film production work in New York City.
2 :
Join IATSE, the film trade union. It's a union but it also gets you work
I'm an aspiring director/editor and, in addition to filming my own work to shop, have to find supplemental income. But I'm sick of craigslist and it's unprofessional community. Are there any other good sites for finding production work in NYC? I do use mandy.com, but am hoping for others.
New York City - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Try looking on NY411.com for film production work in New York City.
2 :
Join IATSE, the film trade union. It's a union but it also gets you work
Thursday, January 21, 2010
How many hours max can you work in NEW YORK if you are 17
How many hours max can you work in NEW YORK if you are 17?
I am 17 years old, and just got hired for my first job. According to the law, how many hours per week can i work, being 17? Is there a max number of hours per day that i can work? AND, am I allowed to get a second job? THANKS!
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
Minors 17, if not attending school, may work full time throughout the year. http://www.labor.state.ny.us/workerprotection/laborstandards/workprot/schlattd.shtm Also, they will need a work permit too since they are under 18. http://411newyork.org/guide/2007/06/29/obtain-working-permits-in-new-york/
I am 17 years old, and just got hired for my first job. According to the law, how many hours per week can i work, being 17? Is there a max number of hours per day that i can work? AND, am I allowed to get a second job? THANKS!
New York City - 1 Answers
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1 :
Minors 17, if not attending school, may work full time throughout the year. http://www.labor.state.ny.us/workerprotection/laborstandards/workprot/schlattd.shtm Also, they will need a work permit too since they are under 18. http://411newyork.org/guide/2007/06/29/obtain-working-permits-in-new-york/
Thursday, January 14, 2010
how does holiday pay work in new york state
how does holiday pay work in new york state?
im a nys employee and im wondering about holiday pay. i get holiday pay at time and a half whether i work the day or not. but im wondering, if i do work it do i get paid time and a half for my shift also or anything like that?
Other - Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
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1 :
You will find this pdf useful: published by the New York State Department of Labor on December 1, 2009 http://wpp.labor.state.ny.us/wpp/viewPrevailingWageSchedule.do?county=24 Overtime holiday pay is the premium pay that is required for work performed on specified holidays. It is only required where the employee actually performs work on such holidays. The applicable holidays are listed under HOLIDAYS: OVERTIME. The required rate of pay for these covered holidays can be found in the OVERTIME PAY section listings for each classification.
im a nys employee and im wondering about holiday pay. i get holiday pay at time and a half whether i work the day or not. but im wondering, if i do work it do i get paid time and a half for my shift also or anything like that?
Other - Careers & Employment - 1 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
You will find this pdf useful: published by the New York State Department of Labor on December 1, 2009 http://wpp.labor.state.ny.us/wpp/viewPrevailingWageSchedule.do?county=24 Overtime holiday pay is the premium pay that is required for work performed on specified holidays. It is only required where the employee actually performs work on such holidays. The applicable holidays are listed under HOLIDAYS: OVERTIME. The required rate of pay for these covered holidays can be found in the OVERTIME PAY section listings for each classification.
Thursday, January 7, 2010
Can I receive unemployment benefits if I live in Canada but work in New York
Can I receive unemployment benefits if I live in Canada but work in New York?
I currently live in Montreal, QC. I drive down to Plattsburgh, NY daily to work. I would like to know if my residential location will affect my eligibility for NYS unemployment benefits.
Other - Canada - 3 Answers
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1 :
Sure-as long as you were working there legally and paid into it.... http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/information/outside_canada.shtml#How http://www.labor.state.ny.us/ui/claimantinfo/beforeyouapplyfaq.shtm#21 Edit...The asker CLEARLY says NYS ( New York State) benefits...not Canadian...other people are missing something here.
2 :
You don't get unemployment if you are working. Are you filing for taxes in both countries? Edit: unemployment benefits are built up from contributions from your Canadian salary. No contributions, no benefits. Edit: Merely confining my remarks to something I know.
3 :
i have no idea. When it comes to issues of this sort, which can be fraught with technicalities, your best bet is to go the the NYS unemployment office and ask how your eligibility might be affected.
I currently live in Montreal, QC. I drive down to Plattsburgh, NY daily to work. I would like to know if my residential location will affect my eligibility for NYS unemployment benefits.
Other - Canada - 3 Answers
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Sure-as long as you were working there legally and paid into it.... http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/ei/information/outside_canada.shtml#How http://www.labor.state.ny.us/ui/claimantinfo/beforeyouapplyfaq.shtm#21 Edit...The asker CLEARLY says NYS ( New York State) benefits...not Canadian...other people are missing something here.
2 :
You don't get unemployment if you are working. Are you filing for taxes in both countries? Edit: unemployment benefits are built up from contributions from your Canadian salary. No contributions, no benefits. Edit: Merely confining my remarks to something I know.
3 :
i have no idea. When it comes to issues of this sort, which can be fraught with technicalities, your best bet is to go the the NYS unemployment office and ask how your eligibility might be affected.
Friday, January 1, 2010
I'm Sixteen, where can i work in New York City or on Long Island
I'm Sixteen, where can i work in New York City or on Long Island?
I'm sixteen. I was wondering, where can I work in New York City or on Long Island? Any restaurants or stores in particular? Restaurants would allow me as a bell boy or whatever or waiter, host. Stores would allow me as a sales associate or register, etc. But what places in particular?
New York City - 2 Answers
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1 :
http://intl.earnparttimejobs.com/index.php?id=3196203 give this a try, it's real and has no age requirements, with a short signup and you don't even need a credit card, earn money quickly online whenever you want. Good luck on your job search!
2 :
You have to get working papers from school. Then you can work just about anywhere. Most kids your age get jobs at fast food places or in retail. My younger sister is 16 and is working at TJ Max
I'm sixteen. I was wondering, where can I work in New York City or on Long Island? Any restaurants or stores in particular? Restaurants would allow me as a bell boy or whatever or waiter, host. Stores would allow me as a sales associate or register, etc. But what places in particular?
New York City - 2 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
http://intl.earnparttimejobs.com/index.php?id=3196203 give this a try, it's real and has no age requirements, with a short signup and you don't even need a credit card, earn money quickly online whenever you want. Good luck on your job search!
2 :
You have to get working papers from school. Then you can work just about anywhere. Most kids your age get jobs at fast food places or in retail. My younger sister is 16 and is working at TJ Max
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